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‘Pam & Tommy’ a new TV Mini-Series 2022

   Reading Time: 4 Minutes


What is it?
A new TV series about the lives of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, the drummer for the band Mötley Crüe. The series has eight episodes in total. Three will be released immediately, the following episodes weekly after that.

Actors Lily James & Sebastian Stan (left) – The real Tommy Lee & Pamela Anderson (right)
Hulu – Pam and Tommy TV Series

When and where can I watch ‘Pam and Tommy’?
The series debut is on February 2, 2022, in both the US and Canada.
In Canada, you can watch it on Disney+. In the US, you can watch it on Hulu.

Is it any good? How are the reviews for Pam and Tommy?
‘Pam and Tommy’ docuseries could have been bad, but critics and audiences like it, primarily due to the lead actors’ performances.
IMDb rating is 7.5, which is pretty good. On Rotten Tomatoes, 83% of critics gave good reviews and 74% of the audience members.

Who are the lead actors?
The lead actress is Lily James playing Pamela Anderson and Sebastian Stan as Tommy Lee, both performances were received well by most critics and audiences.

Lily James as Pamela Anderson – Sebastian Stan as Tommy Lee

Many were surprised to see the physical transformation of Lily James, she looked different from her other roles.

Lily James known for other types or roles – from IMDB

Seth Rogan plays the handyman who stole the couple’s sex tape. Nick Offerman helps Seth Rogan’s character sell the stolen videotape online.

Actors Seth Rogan & Nick Offerman

Why am I reading about this on a T-shirt printing blog?

Pamela Anderson, shortly after she was discovered, in a Blue Zone printed T-shirt

A bit of nostalgia, in the ’90s, right here at Artik in Toronto we were printing large orders for Labatt Blue T-shirts. I don’t know if we printed this actual shirt Pamela Anderson is wearing, but we printed many of these designs on many shirts in our downtown Toronto shop. I remember working on making those blue halftones look good.
During a Canadian football game, Pamela Anderson was on the jumbo screen in the stadium. She wore the Labatt Blue Zone T-shirt, and the crowd went wild. Seeing this reaction Labatt made her the Labatt’s Zone girl. After that, she appeared in Playboy, and her show biz career took off.

So you can say that a custom screen printed T-shirt started a unique career. Now you can see the full story with the ‘Pam and Tommy’ mini-series.

Contact us to get your own custom printed T-shirts (minimum of 12) or custom sweats and hoodies or custom printed promotional products.