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How to market a small business with paper products in 2022

   Reading Time: 5 Minutes


Most marketing articles focus on online marketing, and yes, I’m a big believer in online marketing. Here at Artik, we invest a lot into our website. We use Google Adwords, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content writing, link building and all that jazz.
But, and yes, there is a big but, sometimes new businesses forget the basics. Marketing starts with treating the customer well, not lip-service well, but being exceptionally good and kind and generous to your customers. It also means treating your employees like valued family members. We are known for our custom printed T’s, but we also offer custom printed paper products that will help give you that professional look.

Make sure your company has a beautifully designed logo with a clear message.
Then start with the following set of paper products.

Essential paper products for marketing a small business

  • Get a good quality business card, don’t cut corners, get excellent heavy stock paper with beautiful printing. You can only make an excellent first impression the first time.
  • Get a professional letterhead and printed envelope. Every communication you make will increase your credibility and have your company name and contact information right before your customers.
  • Create a one-page marketing flyer that explains what services you offer why customers should choose you and add a limited-time offer that will make customers keep the flyer and move to act before it expires.
  • This one takes a bit more effort but is worth the trouble. Create a short highlight catalogue. OK, you are not Uline, so you don’t need a vast catalogue, but a four or eight-page colour catalogue for serious prospects will generate real-life sales. Yes, even though everything is on the web, we still look at papers lying around and a catalogue just sitting on the counter is a great reminder, you know, like that pizza flyer you noticed last night that led to that large “personal” pizza night. 

OK, so now you did this, and the company is doing better, leads are coming in, you are feeling flush, and like anyone having a big score in the stock market, you are looking for the next winner idea. That is where we come in to help you with ideas for next-level paper marketing.

Printed paper flyers

More ideas for marketing with paper products

One of the truest truisms (it’s true) in marketing is that your best chances of success are with your existing customers. These people chose you and trusted you, and do you thank them with flowers or gifts? No, you don’t. Well, we are here to help you with that. Think appreciation gifts. There are many ideas on our website, but here we are talking paper products, which would make a nice customer appreciation gift.

Imagine this scenario; your customer places an order online, you fulfill the order and ship them a box. They are happy with the order but wait, what is this, something extra in the box, is it a mistake? No, it’s a gift, a custom printed journal with a thank you card. Now the customer feels appreciated, and every time they take notes in their new customized journal, they think of you with a fuzzy warm feeling.

Here is an idea that will take some effort but is worth the trouble, create a custom printed calendar and put one in every box you ship. You know that friend of yours that bought all that photography equipment, offer them a case of beer and have them come and take some lovely professional photos of your business. We can create a custom wall calendar with your corporate logo and message. Yes, it’s true, not everyone uses wall calendars, but those that do will have them hanging around their desk for an entire year. Except for uncle Harry, he hasn’t replaced his car mechanic calendar since the 1980s.

Remember during the holiday season how excited you were to get an email greeting from your supplier? Yeah, neither were we. But a lovely personalized greeting card is fun to get. Even if it’s from your dentist, you still put it on the fireplace mantel and warmly remember that root canal adventure you shared together. Time flies and it’s the holidays, Christmas and Hanukah, the perfect reason to send your customer a greeting card with a little offer for the new year.

What if I told you that a custom printed postcard could increase sales? Not convinced, have a seat, I will explain. Create a customized postcard with a very clear printed coupon, for example: “Limited time offer, all orders 15% off with this coupon.” Now, don’t send one postcard and say it didn’t work, like sea waves on a stone; things take time to shape and change.
Send a postcard every quarter for one year. In marketing, you need to be consistent. I used to have an ad in Now magazine every week, it had a picture of a T-shirt, and it said: “Your Logo Here.” I often had customers come in and say, I always see your ad and finally, I need some custom printed T-shirts.

So be consistent and patient, and the phone will start ringing, and the emails will fill your inbox.

You can explore this page for more ideas, but most of all, I want you to remember and practice being excellent to your customers and employees. Always be kind and generous. Explore Gary Vees video below on being kind.

I wish you all the luck with your new company, ask anything in the comments and I will be happy to answer.