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Custom mugs in Toronto

6 Fun Things You Oughta Know About Mugs

   Reading Time: 4 minutes


If you are anything like me, each day you wake up and crawl out of bed. Once you get to the kitchen, you are faced with a selection of warm beverages. However wide this selection of drinks seems to be, they all share one thing in common. The mug.

Image from

Ah yes, the mug, the symbol of the morning routine. How would you be able to enjoy your delicious hot coffee without it? But there is much more to the mug than meets the eye . . .

6. The future of mugs is thermochromic!

Remember mood rings? These mugs use the same technology to change colour when filled with hot liquid. Picture, if you will, a future in which arguments surrounding “who owns which mug” are no longer existent. A future where everybody’s name appears on their mug the second it is filled with its first cup of piping hot coffee. Maybe it’s just a pipe dream, but I can dream, can’t I?

Fill up your batteries with Custom Thermographic Coffee Mugs!
Fill up your batteries with Custom Thermographic Coffee Mugs!

5. Mugs have been used for shaving since the 1860’s!

Imagine reaching for a hot cup of tea and gulping down a mouthful of shaving foam instead. With a shaving scuttle (a shaving mug sometimes bearing a spout) from the 19th century, this would have been a real possibility. Used to whip up a hot lather, these mugs looked just like the ones you would drink from. Most had a handle to aid in the process of mixing. Today, scuttles are produced in small quantities by independent potters and are found in specialty shaving shops.

shaving mug and soap

4. Mugs and donuts are homeomorphic

No, this doesn’t mean they can procreate and form an edible coffee drinking vessel (I wish). Two objects are considered to be homeomorphic when they can be deformed into one another without cutting or gluing. This is a popular example of the theory of homeomorphism in the branch of math known as Topology (The mathematical study of shapes and spaces). Still confused? I don’t blame you. Check out more here.

Mug_and_Torus_morph3. Mugs can save the world!

Did you know Americans throw away 25 billion styrofoam coffee cups a year? Although I couldn’t find the Canadian statistic, I’m sure that we aren’t much better here. If you aren’t bringing a mug with you to work, or school, maybe now is the time to start. These days there are any number of environmentally sound alternatives available, consider this statistic next time you pick up a pack of Styrofoam cups for the office.


2. The average woman owns 5 promotional mugs

Okay, maybe this is not an actual fact, but the title is 5 things after all, not 5 facts. According to Benchmark (a promotional supplier) the average human female owns 5 promotional mugs.

Not sure this fact is true

If there are 3.5 billion women on Earth then there are 17.5 billion mugs on Earth. I’m not sure what defines the “average woman”, or how exactly this information was collected, but it sure a staggering “fact”. Want to keep up with the status quo? I would suggest picking up 5 promotional mugs as soon as possible.

1. You can get any design on custom mugs

Yes, the rumors are true. You can design whatever you want and send it to us at Artik. Before you can say “custom mugs” 80,000 times you’ll be holding a box of mugs with your design on them! Check out our custom mugs here!

Get any design on custom mugs!
Get any design on custom mugs! (see above)

Final thoughts

If you’re looking to promote your brand, it’s not just about printing your logo on some products or sending some ads out into the ether. Spend time thinking about the people who will use your promotional products and get into a mindset of offering value. We love coffee cups because they’re useful without being wildly expensive.

No matter what brand you’re promoting, Artik is here to help. We’re based in downtown Toronto and have thousands of great products and a team of friendly sales representatives. Message our staff!