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Yes to Fresh Interview Toronto

Business interview with Larry owner of ‘Yes to Fresh’

   Reading Time: 1 minute


Interview of an owner of a restaurant Larry owner of ‘Yes to Fresh’ and the owners of Artik, Saul and Rafi. Larry wanted to get a different perspective form business people with years of experience.

We discuss the challenges and experiences of running a restaurant and a small business. Some of the topics discussed:

  • Main challenges in running a restaurant
  • Finding and keeping good employees
  • Developing systems for  a consistent product
  • Managing priorities and managing time
  • Working on the business and not only in the business
  • Learning to delegate, why business owners have a hard time delegating.
  • Marketing, both traditional, online and social media marketing
  • In-store point of sales messages

This video has insights and ideas for anyone in the restaurant or food industry and anyone who runs a small business.

Presented by Artik custom printed T-shirts and promotional items in Toronto