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Brett Wilson Dragon's Den Advice

Brett Wilson gives entrepreneurs key business lessons

   Reading Time: 2 minutes


Brett Wilson’s impact on Artik Toronto

In November of 2013, my business partner and I (of Artik Toronto) made our way to Ottawa to attend a Startup Canada event. Three federal ministers and the Mayor of Ottawa gave speeches. The most anticipated event was the keynote address by Brett Wilson of The TV series “Dragons’ Den”.

Just as many others, I had enjoyed his style on Dragons’ Den. Brett struck me as an authentic and fair Dragon with his human side shining through. There were many times I would watch the show and be frustrated by the way entrepreneurs were treated. In one show, Kevin O’Leary twice told the entrepreneur they should be ashamed of themselves. I think that all entrepreneurs should be proud of themselves. Most people play it safe in life, we the entrepreneurs take a risk and try to create something. Although we may need to grow, learn, and adjust our ideas, we should always be proud of what we do.

Brett Wilson’s advice to Entrepreneurs

In the keynote address Brett was authentic and spoke from the heart, he had a lot of great advice for both newcomers, and experienced entrepreneurs alike. The hall was energetic and with the free beer flowing in the back it was pretty noisy; missed points in his talk were inevitable. I cleaned up the audio as much as I could and added some titles with key points. This process helped me further internalize Brett’s advice and I hope that watching this video will help you with your entrepreneurship, the growth of your business, and the focus on community involvement. If you enjoy the video please like it, comment on it and share it, I will reply to each comment personally.

Our company Artik does custom printed promotional items for Canadian entrepreneurs. See more here

To find out more about Startup Canada and its great resources for Canadian entrepreneurs see here

For Brett Wilson’s book see here