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Branding Ideas for Marijuana Dispensaries

   Reading Time: 5 minutes


The Canadian marijuana industry has ballooned in recent years, with thousands of dispensaries opening up across the country. Canadians spent $5.7B on marijuana last year, Stats Can estimates and with the legalization of marijuana across Canada on October 17th 2018, the industry is expected to continue growing.

Take a walk across Toronto and you’ll see dozens of dispensaries competing to sell medical and recreational marijuana. At this point, the most successful locations are those with the strongest branding. This fact isn’t unique to the marijuana industry, retail shops, restaurants and bars have long known that building a brand is the best way to draw returning customers and attract new ones.

How to Build a Brand for your Dispensary

Building a great brand means more than designing a logo, it’s about the message and aesthetic you want to communicate to your audience. For dispensaries, some shops go for a professional, medical appearance that shows authority and trustworthiness. Other shops go for a hip aesthetic akin to a modern coffee shop. Still other dispensaries go for a cool branding with a casual feeling.

No matter what branding you choose, it’s important that you establish your brand throughout the shop and in your digital presence.

Branded Signage, Pamphlets and Web Presence

Telling the world who you are and what you stand for may start with a large printed banner or window decal on your shop. A clean, readable design will let passersby know that a dispensary is open here while a creative subtle sign may give your shop an air of exclusivity.

This branding extends to your website and social media presence. Design your digital presence to match your shop, include lots of photos and stay active online to remind people you’re around!

Branded Staff Uniforms for Canadian Dispensaries

A staff uniform is a great way to elevate your branding. You’re not just a shop with a logo, your staff represent your dispensary every day and putting your logo on custom screen printed tee shirts can be a good way to express your shop’s personality to your customers. Custom printed t-shirts are smart for cool dispensaries appealing to the recreational crowd, if you’re appealing to medical marijuana users a higher end staff uniform will communicate the professional tone.

Customized polo golf shirts with your logo embroidered on them is a smart looking uniform for your dispensary. Even a small embroidery tells the world that your shop is a high end location that is here to deliver a consistent medical product.

Merchandise for your Clients and Customers

Branded apparel can also be sold or given away to customers. You’ll see a ton of response with a social media contest giving away a custom t-shirt or embroidered baseball cap. Try putting a t-shirt or tote bag on display with a price tag and a social media contest described below, you’ll be surprised how much people will do for free merch!

While custom printed t-shirts are always popular, you may find higher sales from screen printed hoodies. Especially here in Canada, custom hoodies are an essential piece of apparel, designing a great hoodie will let people show their loyalty to your dispensary while promoting it to others.

These merchandise ideas can give your shop a boost in sales while helping to promote your brand across the city. Every time a customer wears your embroidered baseball cap or carries your screen printed tote bag, people around them see your brand. There’s a reason Coca Cola spends millions on ads, this kind of brand recognition can build trust and attract a ton of new customers.

Other Creative Custom Merchandise Ideas

Show that your brand is creative and eclectic with more customized merchandise like,

Custom Water Bottles

Putting your logo on custom bottles will let people carry your dispensary brand around the world as they travel, work and live. Every time they take a sip of water they’ll be reminded of your awesome shop.

Branded Mugs

Appeal to people’s cozy side with custom mugs for your dispensary. Get silly with your mug design, after all people are more likely to use a funny or uniquely beautiful branded mug than a plain ol’ logo.

Custom Metal Lapel Pins

Show that your customers are part of the club with branded metal lapel pins. These pins can help show your logo off to the world, or you can get creative with it. Check out the unique pins being promoted on Instagram to get some ideas, one great design can get your shop a ton of attention.

Branded Matches and Lighters

Stick with the classics! Designing a custom matchbook or a branded lighter is an old fashioned marketing move that is still super effective, especially for an industry that relies on matches and lighters.