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Custom printed Canadian coffee mug

5 Tips for Designing Custom Printed Mugs for Your Canadian Coffee Shop

   Reading Time: 3 minutes


What kinda coffee shop do you run? Is it a novelty café for tourists travelling Canada, a niche café with a targeted customer base, or a classic coffee shop with a wide variety of customers?


No matter what type of coffee shop you run, custom printed mugs can help you earn money and build your brand. Plus, they look great and match your coffee shop!

#5 Custom Printed Mug Tip: Match your branding


When you order custom printed coffee mugs, you’ve got to match your company’s branding. Consider the colours of your logo, the aesthetic of your shop and your company’s voice and incorporate those elements into your custom coffee mug design.


Remember to differentiate between merchandise custom coffee mugs and in-restaurant coffee mugs. Customers may enjoy one type of mug at the table, but prefer to buy a sillier mug or less branded mug to bring home. Many people buy coffee mugs as gifts, so consider designs for seasonal holidays and birthdays.


#4 Custom Printed Mug Tip


No reason to stick to the classic C-handle mug! Consider glow-in-the-dark mugs or custom printed mugs that change colour when heat is added. The kinds of mugs can get popular online and they’re sure to attract attention!


#3 Custom Printed Mug Tip


Consider different sizing when you’re ordering custom printed mugs – will you order small mugs for your fancy café or large mugs for your late night diner? Travel mugs are great for the road, but they need to fit in people’s cup holders. Office workers often desire larger mugs so they don’t have to keep getting up for refills. Think about your customers and how they’ll be reusing your custom printed coffee mugs.


#2 Custom Printed Mug Tip


Choose quality mugs! A well made mug will be held onto for years and years, bought and sold and traded and stolen. With a well-made custom printed coffee mug, your design will live on for years, the same can’t always be said for low-quality coffee mugs which can chip.


#1 Custom Printed Mug Tip


When you’re designing a custom printed mug, you’re designing an element of your Canadian coffee shop. Take a good look at your café and find what sets it apart – from the art and music in the shop, to the unique pastries and drinks you make, to the façade of your building. Find the element that sets your coffee shop apart and put it on your custom printed mugs! This will help build your brand and promote your shop to new customers.


Final Thoughts on Custom Printed Mugs


If you’re running a Canadian coffee shop, you know that your customers could go to one of the big coffee chains. Why do they choose your shop? Customers have fallen in love with your shop, your special coffees and teas and the friendly atmosphere. Create a custom printed coffee mug that captures the vibe of your shop and you can give it away in contests, promotions or just as gifts to your favourite customers. Build a little loyalty with a coffee addict and you’ll be seeing them everyday for years. For that, we recommend custom coffee mugs.