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Have fun with lapel pins! add sparkles, chains, hinges and a spooky glow

   Reading Time: 4 minutes


I’m a bit of a lapel pin addict – I’ve got 20 on my bag, a few more on a jean jacket and a pin full of lapel pins. Not sure how it happened, I just became a custom lapel pin collector.

So when I decided to make lapel pins of my own, you can imagine my surprise at how damn hard it was to figure anything out. Soft enamel pins and hard enamel? What does that mean?!

I got my hands on a ton of lapel pin samples and talked to Andrew, the expert at Artik. I made this video to explain the difference between all the lapel pin styles:

Watched it? Good! Now that you’re all caught up on the basics of lapel pins, check out these weird ones. If you want to pins in these styles, you’ll have to ask an Artik sales rep for assistance! We can usually get anything you imagine done, we’re cool like that.

Add Hinges!

We’ve come so far as a species – lapel pins can have hinges! That means you can make a laptop, cellphone, CD case or mask. Make a door! Make a window! Make an arm! The possibilities are so endless and we’re just getting started.

Chain lapel pins

Adding a chain to your lapel pin can let you get weird with your designs.

From phone lines to Pokémon prayer beads, your customized lapel pins can get pretty conceptual!

Glow in the Dark Lapel Pins

You ready for this? Imagine making a glow in the dark lapel pin. These things really show up when you turn the lights out.

Designing a glow in the dark lapel pin is fun – you have a whole new colour in your palette! Consider elements that would normally glow like a television or an angler fish below. Or create a weird/spooky design and just light the whole thing up. Glow in the dark lapel pins sell great around Halloween, a time that isn’t usually the best for selling pins.

Make sure your packaging shows off that they glow! Customers will pay a premium for the extra frills.





Sparky Lapel Pins!

Why make something without sparkles when you can make it with sparkles?!

Especially when it comes to lapel pins! Look at how shiny these things are,

The worst part about sparkles is that they get everywhere, but with a sparkly lapel pin the sparkles will stay put!

I love crossing the joy of sparkles with a skull. It just makes death look so darn cute!

Okay, space pins are already my favourite. Turn the stars into sparkles and you’ve got a reaaally good look for an artsy lapel pin.

Shoutout to the creator of these crystal lapel pins. Somehow, they’ve made the gaudy, glitzy glam of lapel pins actually look classy. I’m impressed!

Don’t shy away from pink! Design a sparkly donut, a diamond ring or turn parts of your logo into a sparkle spackled lapel pin.

When all else fails, just add sparkles to some trash and you’ve got treasure. With a gold finish, this lapel pin is so damned cute.


The real trick to making an awesome lapel pin

Don’t worry about what’s trendy (though it helps to follow other lapel pin makers)

And don’t worry about making it look “clean and crisp” (unless you want to!)

The trick to designing awesome lapel pins is having fun with it. If you love your lapel pins, I can guarantee other people will too. You can design the most niche pins, and since you can get under 100 pins it won’t be hard to sell out.

You can’t please everyone so find a niche. If you build it, they will come.

Check out our lapel pin selection here and don’t worry if you don’t see all these fancy options. We’ll help you make the lapel pin of your dream.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]Jeremy[/author_image] [author_info]Jeremy is an artist, writer and designer from Canada. His sleep schedule is erratic and he writes in the 3rd person from time to time :o)[/author_info] [/author]